Frequently Asked Question

Have additional questions?

Please email

or call 518.563.1850.

  • A: Fill out our fundraising application, email or call 518.563.1850

  • A: Nuway Car Wash tickets never expire, and they are great to have around to thank someone quickly or to give as a gift without having to shop online or run out to the store.

  • A: Like other fundraisers, you get out of it what you put into it. If your organization sells 150 car wash tickets you will raise over $1,000! If you have 15 members selling car wash tickets you only have to sell 10 tickets each to make over $1,000 for your cause.

  • A: *This fundraising option is on hold due to COVID-19. For any fundraising event you have marketing is going to be key! The same goes for this one.

  • A: At this time we are not offering this as an option for fundraising.

  • A: At this time we are not offering this as an option for fundraising.